Honoring Our Active Military and Veterans.
To all veterans and current military:
We’re so thankful for the freedom your service has provided for us, we want to give some FREEdom to you!
- $10 Free Play Upon Claiming Honor Card (One Time Only)
- One $10 Food offer per week Monday - Thursday (must earn 25 base points)
- Exclusive Drawings and Special Events
- Complimentary Hotel Nights (Sunday - Thursday)
For more details please check out our new benefits brochures available at all players clubs.
To receive Honor card proper documentation is required such as: discharge paperwork, military ID, VFW or American Legion membership card or anything else proving current or prior military service.*
*does not apply to relatives, Auxiliary, or SAL
Certain restrictions apply. Honor card discounts listed may not be combined with card level discounts. Honor card holder receives higher of the discount offered (either based on tier or Honor card). Honor card must be presented at time of purchases/payments to receive advertised discount. Honor card works as any other Player’s Club card and is in addition to the tier achieved by the player.